We offer several surgical options and procedures, other than local treatment. This section describes some of them, yet there are more out of scope of this description. As you already understand wound healing is dependent on medical condition such as diabetes and vascular diseases. In order to address the root of the problem Healing Wounds offers the following Surgeries and Procedures.

Interventional Radiology

The Interventional Radiology Sesstion is being carried out at Sheba Medical Center – one of the largest hospitals in Israel. Senior specialists perform all procedures, including diagnosis and treatment by guided interventional procedures. Our diagnostic services are aimed mainly for vascular diseases and include vascular occlusions or narrowing of extremities. There is a wide range of therapeutic procedures that replace complicated and dangerous surgeries. The procedures are performed with aid of catheters, balloons, and stents that are selectively introduced into the blood vessels by guided imaging. This technique enables to open occluded blood vessels, perform dilatations, and remove debries.
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Diabetic Foot and Ankle

Diabetic foot ulcers are frequently related to elevated pressure under a bony protusion . For that purpose we perform surgical offloading procedures for diabetic foot ulcers treatment. Minimally invasive surgical offloading that includes correction of foot deformities has achieved good short and long-term results. Surgery alleviates the pressure under the bony protrusion, thus enabling prompt ulcer healing. The service provides state of the art clinical patient care for all aspects of foot and ankle disorders such as problems that involve the big toe – primary and revision surgery of Hallux Valgus (Bunion) and Hallux Rigidus (stiff big toe), both of which usually are the reasons for foot wounds.

Plastic Surgery

Recently emphasis on managing reconstructive and full – thickness wounds has shifted from merely reducing morbidity and achieving satisfactory survival to enhancing long-term prognosis and function of the affected areas. We offer procedure that will restore skin bio-mechanical properties, restoring the flexibility, required for natural body motion, while also preventing adhesion during healing of damaged tissue. Using special Acellular Dermal Substitute enables regeneration of full – thickness wounds in a One-Step Procedure combined with split-thickness skin graft.